In the tech world, language is often packed with impressive-sounding jargon that complicates rather than clarifies. I see it as an unnecessary layer of complexity that keeps people from truly understanding the systems they’re interacting with. It’s a habit I’ve been challenging for years because, frankly, the language we use in tech often serves as a barrier—one that stops us from getting to the truth of a system or process. Why do we need this layer of insulation around what should be a straightforward story?
Imagine the difference between two conversations: one where every term is jargon-filled and opaque, and another where the speaker is direct, leaving no room for ambiguity. The second approach brings clarity, engagement, and, crucially, a sense of control to the listener. I believe this difference isn’t just a matter of personal preference; it’s the cornerstone of any meaningful digital transformation.
Why We Hide Behind Jargon
There’s a certain safety in jargon—it creates an insider culture and can even be used as a shield. If something sounds complex enough, maybe people won’t question it. But that complexity is often a falsehood, a way to deflect scrutiny. In my experience, the most resilient, effective solutions are those that don’t hide behind a language barrier but instead make clarity their highest priority.
Removing this verbal padding is not just about using simpler words. It’s about cultivating a sense of respect for the user, who deserves transparency and ownership over the tools they’re adopting. When we’re honest and straightforward, we empower users to feel genuinely invested in the technology they’re engaging with.
How to Start Deconstructing the Language Barrier
The process I use is one of relentless editing. I take every piece of language—be it in a project brief, a UX component, or even a client proposal—and I ask: does this actually need to be here? What does it add? Would it stand up if someone challenged its relevance? It’s not about “dumbing down”; it’s about providing clarity and value, ensuring that what remains serves a purpose.
For example, I recently worked with a client on explaining a relatively complex AI-driven system. The initial descriptions were packed with phrases like “leveraging predictive analytics” and “synergizing data-driven decision-making.” When I asked the team to break these down, we ended up with a much more powerful message: this tool helps your team anticipate needs and make faster, smarter decisions. Stripped of pretence, the message became actionable and relatable.
The Empowerment of Plain Language
Why am I so committed to breaking down these linguistic barriers? Because, at its core, this shift to transparency is about empowerment. When we’re clear about our tools and systems, we place the user in the driver’s seat. They feel equipped to ask questions, to explore, to challenge.
This is what transparency in tech should aim for: a scenario where people feel they don’t need to passively accept what they’re told. Instead, they feel they have the insight and knowledge to make informed decisions and, if necessary, to reconfigure these tools to better suit their needs. By stripping away jargon, we give users not only a greater understanding but also a sense of agency and mastery.
A Challenge to the Industry
Here’s a challenge to every developer, product manager, and tech writer out there: try looking at your next project through the eyes of someone who isn’t fluent in your specialized language. Ask yourself, What would make this clearer? How could I explain this so that it doesn’t feel like an exclusive club? In the end, our industry will be stronger for it. It’s time to get rid of the unnecessary insulation around our ideas and speak plainly.
If we want tech to be truly transformative, it’s this radical transparency that will carry us forward.